We’re excited to announce our new Reviewer Sweepstakes in which Azden users can review their product(s) on Azden Pro Shop for a chance to win a $50 store gift card.
Each month we will select one lucky reviewer at random from the product reviews on Azden Pro Shop to receive a $50 store gift card. This gift card will take the form of a unique coupon code that will grant a $50 credit. The gift card will never expire and will have no restrictions, so it may be used to buy anything sold on Azden Pro Shop!
Technically there is no purchase necessary to enter the sweepstakes, although we encourage all Azden Pro Shop customers to leave reviews for their recently purchased items. Entering the sweepstakes is open to anyone who owns an Azden product, whether purchased on Azden Pro Shop or elsewhere, regardless of date purchased.
We want to encourage all Azden users to share their experiences with the entire Azden community! Because doing so enriches the buying experience and helps customers make more informed decisions.
Leaving a review on a product is easy! Simply navigate to the product’s page and look for the “Reviews” tab. Click on it to reveal the reviews section, then click the area where it says “How would you rate this product.”
Doing so expands the area and provides fields where you can type up your review, and even upload photos or videos if you want to. Don’t forget to enter your name and a real email address. This is very important. Since the winner will be contacted by email, if a valid email address is not provided there will be no way for us to reach out to you! Do not worry about your privacy – your email address will not be made public on the website.
Best of luck to all product reviewers! The first drawing will take place on May 1st, and then once monthly after that.
Official Rules
- Any person who leaves a product review on www.azdenproshop.com will automatically be entered into that month’s random drawing.
- A random drawing will be held monthly. Each drawing will be held within the first 5 calendar days of a month. Each drawing will consist of all the emails used in posting product reviews from the previous calendar month.
- Each email address is entered into the drawing only once, regardless of how many reviews it was used to post in a given month.
- The prize being offered in this ongoing sweepstakes is a $50 store credit / gift card. This prize will be awarded to no more than one person and no more frequently than once per calendar month.
- Winner of each month’s random drawing will be notified by email. If the winner accepts the prize, a coupon code for the store credit / gift card will be emailed to the winner. Winner must acknowledge the email and accept the prize within 15 days; not doing so will constitute a forfeiture of the prize.
- Each email address will only be eligible to win the prize once throughout the lifetime of this sweepstakes. However, there is no limit to the number of drawings in which an email addresses may be included.
- No purchase is necessary in order to qualify to win the prize.
- A positive review is not required in order to qualify to win the prize.
- Reviews are moderated for content. Any review that is removed or unapproved for posting by this website’s moderators will be disqualified from inclusion in this sweepstakes. Reviews may be moderated if they are found to be abusive, use foul or offensive language, include adult or not-safe-for-work content, contain, mostly or wholly, information that is unrelated to the product being “reviewed,” lack any substantive content or any evidence of a good-faith effort to write an honest review, contain links to outside websites or could be considered as spam.
- While the sweepstakes is open to participation by anyone in the world, be aware the prize is store credit, redeemable only on this website, and that purchases made on this website may only be shipped to addresses in the United States and Canada.
- This sweepstakes may be terminated at any time without notice. However, if we do decide to end this sweepstakes, we’ll more than likely post something about it!
We’ll keep updating this post to announce the winners each month!
June 2019
Congrats to Tony from California! Thanks for taking the time to review your purchase of the MX-1 cable. It paid off, in the form of a $50 gift card!
May 2019
Congrats Joe from Oklahoma! Please do spend your gift card all in one place (right here). Thanks for this review on the Shoe Mount for the 330UPR.
April 2019
Congrats Kevin from Florida! Spend your $50 gift card wisely! Thanks for this review on the Shoe Mount & Screw Replacement for SMH-1.